Opening the mailbox and finding a letter from the IRS is frightening, but what happens next can be even scarier. The tax agency wields incredible power, and if they claim you owe additional taxes they have many different options for forcing you to pay.   When the IRS claims you owe additional money, they will… Read More

The old saying that nothing is certain in life except death and taxes has never been truer, or more frightening. In the current environment, fear of the IRS is creeping in, and nothing will get your heart racing quite as fast as opening the mailbox and finding a letter from the tax agency. When the… Read More

When the individual production activity of a partner is outside his or her capacity as a member of the partnership, the partnership has two choices: Allocate the production income to the partner, and have the partner treat the expenses as unreimbursed partner expenses (UPE). Treat the partner as a 1099 independent contractor for the individual… Read More

If you hire an employee for your Schedule C business, you can qualify for several valuable tax credits. Each credit is different, and certain limitations apply to all or most employer tax credits. Remember, tax credits are the best. They beat deductions. Note the difference below (using the 32 percent bracket): A $1,000 deduction for… Read More

Cryptocurrency has become an incredibly popular way to invest, but the tax side of this virtual coin can be difficult to navigate. The IRS has gone back and forth over the years on it’s stance on cryptocurrency, making it confusing even for the most diligent investors. In March of 2021, the IRS announced Operation Hidden… Read More

The holidays are here. Not to be a grinch but right around the corner is a less fondly anticipated time of year. Before you know it, you will be taking down the Christmas tree, pulling down the holiday lights, and getting ready for the tax season to come. Tax season is decidedly less fun than… Read More

Given how high the stakes are, it is surprising how little thought many people give to their taxes. All too often, individuals simply walk into a neighborhood storefront, hand over their most personal information, and trust the person on the other side of the desk to do the right thing and prepare their taxes properly.… Read More

As tax filing season unfolds, many taxpayers are taking the bull by the horns and doing their own taxes. Though it may seem like good news for the individual taxpayer, it’s important to watch out for common tax filing mistakes. Tax preparation software makes some errors like addition and subtraction blunders less likely, but even… Read More

It is one of the scariest things that can befall a taxpayer – the dreaded notice from the IRS stating you owe them more money you can’t pay. When you open up the mailbox and see the return address of the tax agency staring back at you, your heart is bound to skip a beat… Read More

Whether you are expecting a nice tax refund or preparing to write a big scary check, you know that April 15 is the annual tax filing deadline. What you may not know, however, is that tax day is every day at the IRS, and the tax agency is always reviewing the information taxpayers and business… Read More