As we approach the final stretch of 2023, individuals eager to optimize their tax savings are exploring strategic financial avenues. One particularly promising option gaining traction is making last-minute vehicle purchases. Acquiring a vehicle before the year concludes can yield substantial benefits, provided one navigates the process with a keen eye on tax implications and takes advantage of available opportunities.

1. Section 179 Deduction
A key strategy in this endeavor is leveraging the Section 179 deduction, a provision that allows businesses to deduct the full purchase price of qualifying equipment, including vehicles, in the year of acquisition. This deduction provides a direct reduction in taxable income, serving as a powerful tool for businesses looking to make significant purchases while benefiting from immediate tax advantages. It’s crucial to note that there are annual limits, making timely action crucial for maximizing the potential of this deduction.

2. Bonus Depreciation
In addition to the Section 179 deduction, another avenue worth exploring is bonus depreciation. In 2023, businesses can depreciate 100% of the cost of qualified property, including new and used vehicles, in the first year. This generous depreciation rate offers a substantial reduction in taxable income, making it an attractive option for those looking to minimize their tax liability. Understanding the specific rules and limitations surrounding bonus depreciation is essential to fully capitalize on its benefits.

3. Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
With an increasing emphasis on sustainability, investing in electric or hybrid vehicles can bring additional perks beyond environmental considerations. Federal tax credits are often available for those making eco-friendly choices, providing not only financial gains but also contributing to a greener footprint. Exploring the potential tax benefits associated with electric or hybrid vehicles can be a strategic aspect of last-minute vehicle purchases.

4. Consider Business Use
For individuals planning to use the vehicle for both personal and business purposes, there may be opportunities for deductions related to the business percentage. Maintaining detailed records is crucial to substantiate these claims and ensure compliance with tax regulations. Consulting a tax professional becomes particularly valuable in navigating the complexities of these deductions and optimizing the overall tax strategy.

5. Financing Considerations
When contemplating a last-minute vehicle purchase, exploring various financing options is a critical step. The interest paid on a vehicle loan may be deductible, providing an additional avenue for reducing taxable income. Evaluating the terms and interest rates of financing options can help individuals make informed decisions that align with their financial goals.

6. Consult with a Tax Professional
Before finalizing any significant financial decisions, especially those with tax implications, it’s advisable to consult with a qualified tax professional. They can provide personalized advice based on an individual’s unique financial situation, ensuring that decisions align with current tax laws and maximize available benefits.

7. State Tax Considerations
Beyond federal tax implications, it’s crucial to consider state-specific tax regulations. Some states offer additional incentives or have different rules regarding vehicle-related tax benefits. Researching and understanding these state-level considerations can provide further insights into maximizing overall tax savings.

8. Timing and Delivery
The timing of your vehicle purchase can impact your tax benefits. Consider the delivery date of the vehicle – it’s not always the purchase date that matters for tax purposes. Understanding the nuances of when the vehicle is placed in service and available for use is essential for accurate tax planning.

9. Record-Keeping Requirements
Accurate record-keeping is the backbone of successful tax planning. Ensure that you maintain comprehensive records of the vehicle purchase, including receipts, invoices, and any relevant communication. This documentation not only supports your tax claims but also simplifies the process in case of an audit.

10. Evaluate Your Business Structure
For business owners, the structure of your business can influence the tax benefits associated with a vehicle purchase. Sole proprietors, partnerships, and corporations may have different rules and limitations regarding depreciation and deductions. Understanding how your business is structured can help tailor your approach to maximize tax advantages.

11. Leasing vs. Buying
The decision between leasing and buying a vehicle can have different tax implications. Lease payments are typically deductible as a business expense, while owning a vehicle provides opportunities for depreciation deductions. Assessing the long-term financial impact and tax advantages of leasing versus buying is a critical consideration.

12. Utilize Tax Software
Leveraging tax software or consulting with tax professionals who use advanced software tools can streamline the process of calculating deductions and ensuring compliance with tax regulations. These tools can provide accurate projections of potential tax savings based on different scenarios, aiding in informed decision-making.

13. Explore State and Federal Incentives
In addition to potential federal incentives for electric and hybrid vehicles, some states offer their own incentives. These can include rebates, tax credits, or reduced registration fees for environmentally friendly vehicles. Researching and taking advantage of these incentives can enhance overall tax savings.

14. Plan for Future Tax Years
A well-thought-out vehicle purchase can have lasting tax benefits beyond the current tax year. Consider your long-term financial goals and how the chosen vehicle aligns with your business or personal needs. Planning for future tax years ensures that your investment continues to provide favorable tax outcomes.

15. Be Mindful of Personal Use
If you use the vehicle for both business and personal purposes, it’s essential to separate and accurately document personal use. The tax treatment of expenses and deductions may vary based on the percentage of business use, and maintaining clear records is vital for compliance.

In summary, navigating the landscape of last-minute vehicle purchases for tax savings involves a multifaceted approach. By understanding federal and state regulations, considering timing, maintaining meticulous records, and exploring various incentives and structures, individuals and businesses can unlock substantial tax benefits. Leveraging technology, seeking professional advice, and planning for the future contribute to a comprehensive strategy that extends beyond immediate tax savings, positioning individuals for financial success in the years to come.

One of the biggest stories in the world of business is the growing shift toward self-employment. An ever-increasing number of men and women are saying goodbye to their colleagues, their cubicles, and their corporate overlords, choosing instead to make their own way in life.


If you are one of these self-employed individuals or a new member of the gig economy, tax filing season could be more complicated than you think. Instead of merely plugging in the numbers from your W2, you will need to gather multiple forms, crunch the numbers, seek out deductions and look for solutions to tax problems you did not even know existed.


Faced with those difficulties, you will want to start your tax planning early. Here is a step-by-step plan for making the April 15 tax filing deadline a little bit less daunting.

Note:  If you find yourself in tax debt, owe back taxes or are under audit, our firm can help negotiate with the IRS and potentially settle your tax debt. As a tax resolution firm, we always recommend that you reach out to a professional who knows how to aggressively negotiate and defend you against the IRS on your behalf. Call us today. Our tax resolution specialists can navigate the IRS maze so that you have nothing to worry about.


Verify Your Advance Tax Payments

The only thing worse than paying money to the IRS is not getting credit for it. As a self-employed individual or gig worker, you have probably made advance payments to the tax agency on a quarterly basis, so dig out those canceled checks, grab those receipts and get ready for tax time.


When you file your taxes you will need to input the dates you submitted those quarterly payments, and those days may or may not coincide with the formal schedule laid out by the IRS. Keep in mind that a small inaccuracy could create a big problem, so gather the documentation and get it right.


Add Up Your Income

Even if you are relying on your clients to issue 1099 forms, it is a good idea to tally up your income on your own. Keep in mind not all clients may issue 1099s, and the ones that do could report inaccurate or incomplete figures, and by adding it up on your own you will be able to catch these problems early, while replacement forms can still be issued.


Adding up your income will also serve a number of other purposes, each important to your timely tax filing and the maximizing of your hoped-for refund. For one thing, knowing how much you earned will allow you to maximize retirement plan contributions aimed at the self-employed, a big potential savings you might otherwise miss out on. Adding up your earnings will also allow you to estimate your tax due or refund, giving you time to prepare and helping you avoid an unpleasant shock when April 15 rolls around.


Tally Your Expenses

The world of self-employment can be taxing, but there are also potential savings to be had. As a self-employed individual or member of the gig economy, you may be able to write off everything from office supplies and furniture to computers and gasoline for your car.


Now is the time to tally your expenses so you do not miss out on a valuable deduction when filing season rolls around. Be sure to look at expenses that may have been paid automatically as well, including recurring payments for routine costs like internet access and phone service.


Seek Out Additional Deductions

The calendar year may be over, but you still have time to reap some valuable deductions. Now that you know how much you have earned in self-employment income, you have the opportunity to seek out new deductions and maximize the ones you have already taken.


If you participate in a retirement program for the self-employed, for instance, you can contribute additional money up to the tax filing deadline, giving you a chance to pile current earnings in and apply them against the taxes that would otherwise be due. These generous tax breaks for retirement savings are among the most valuable for the self-employed, and you still have time to take advantage of them.


It goes without saying that you should consult a tax expert for specific questions about retirement plan contributions, possible deductions, and other applicable subjects. Even if you plan to file your own taxes, consulting with an expert could save you a lot of money.


Run the Numbers through a Tax Estimator

For many in the self-employed community, early filing is simply not an option. If you have investments in a brokerage account, for instance, you may not receive the tax forms you need until well into February or even March, making tax planning that much more difficult.


The fact that your personal tax filing season will likely be delayed is certainly frustrating, but it does not mean you cannot run the numbers on your own. You can estimate your tax bill online using the figures you have already compiled, giving you a good idea of what to expect when the real filing season rolls around.


A number of tax preparation companies, including big names like H&R Block and Intuit, provide free online calculators, so you can assess your tax situation well in advance. If you prefer you can simply enter the numbers you do have into your favorite tax filing software program for a fast and easy estimate.


Tax filing season is stressful for nearly everyone, but it can be a particularly challenging time for gig workers and the self-employed. From chasing down forms from reluctant clients to finding deductions that will lower the tab, the self-employed and members of the gig economy must overcome many hurdles by the time the tax filing deadline rolls around, and the sooner they get started the easier their lives will be. The tips listed above will help you slay your own personal tax demons, so you can rest easy and focus on building your business.


If you find yourself a large surprise tax bill or a collection notice from the IRS, the steps you take next are absolutely critical. Trying to take on the IRS on your own is a dangerous, and potentially expensive, thing to do, and you should always contact a tax resolution firm.


By working with an expert, you can gain access to vital information about small business settlement programs the IRS offers. You can gain access to the expertise you will need to settle your tax bill for less than you owe and get back in the good graces of the IRS. Time is of the essence when the IRS comes calling, and with the interest and penalty clock ticking you do not have one second to waste. So call us, your tax resolution expert, for a case evaluation.


If you are running a small business, you have one unwanted partner that will dig into your pocket every year, it’s the IRS. The IRS wants to know what you are doing, how much you are earning and most importantly how much you are paying in taxes, and the tax agency is becoming increasingly aggressive in this regard. While the audit rate for individual returns has been hovering at far less than 1%, the audit rate for small businesses can be as much as 10 times higher.


It does not matter if you operate as a sole proprietor and use Schedule C to claim your income or if you are set up as a C-corp, S-corp or LLC – the IRS is watching what you do, and if they think you are not paying your fair share they will certainly come calling. When that demand letter from the IRS arrives, knowing what to do next can make all the difference, and the more you educate yourself the easier it will be to deal with, and eliminate, the tax debt.


Note: As a tax resolution firm, we always recommend that you reach out to a professional who knows how to aggressively negotiate and defend you against the IRS on your behalf. If you owe back taxes or are under audit, our firm can help negotiate with the IRS and potentially settle your tax debt. Call us today. Our tax resolution specialists can navigate the IRS maze so that you have nothing to worry about. Set a meeting here.


Small business owners are increasingly the target of enforcement efforts by the IRS, but the IRS does have some programs in place to make paying what those business owners owe easier. In some cases those small business tax relief and tax resolution programs let you settle for less than what you owe but qualifying is not as straightforward as you might think.


For businesses that may be eligible, the assistance of a tax resolution specialist is absolutely critical. These experts can help guide you through the process and make sure you qualify, so you can rest a little easier and get back to building your business.


Payment Plans/Installment Agreements

If the amount your small business owes to the IRS is relatively small and you do not want to deal with additional hassles, it may make sense to pay the entire bill in full. If paying in full would be a hardship, the IRS does offer payment plans, and setting one up can make paying back what you owe easier and more financially palatable.


Keep in mind that interest will continue to accrue while the debt remains outstanding, and that is something to think about.


Offer In Compromise

If you’re under a lot of financial hardship, it may make more sense to try for

an offer in compromise (OIC), a special IRS program that could allow you to pay back less than you owe.


The offer in compromise program is a popular one with individual taxpayers and small business owners. If paying the entire amount would create a financial hardship for you, your family or your business, a tax resolution specialist can help you make the case to the IRS that you deserve a break.


What’s the best option?

Each of these options has its pros and cons, and it is important to understand how these programs work and who qualifies to use them. If your small business is in trouble with the IRS, taking the right action right away could reduce the amount you owe, give you some breathing room and allow you to focus on your clients – not on your taxes.


Running a small business has its challenges, but those difficulties are nothing compared to the stress and anxiety small business owners feel when dealing with the IRS. With so many small business owners now in IRS crosshairs, it has never been more important for freelancers, gig workers and the self-employed to have an advocate in their corner.


If you find yourself on the wrong end of an audit, a tax bill or an enforcement action from the IRS, the steps you take next are absolutely critical. Trying to take on the IRS on your own is a dangerous, and potentially expensive, thing to do, and you should always contact a tax resolution firm.


By working with an expert, you can gain access to vital information about small business settlement programs the IRS offers. You can gain access to the expertise you will need to settle your tax bill for less than you owe and get back in the good graces of the IRS. Time is of the essence when the IRS comes calling, and with the interest and penalty clock ticking you do not have one second to waste. So call us, your tax resolution expert, for a case evaluation. Set a meeting here.

Cryptocurrency has become an incredibly popular way to invest, but the tax side of this virtual coin can be difficult to navigate. The IRS has gone back and forth over the years on it’s stance on cryptocurrency, making it confusing even for the most diligent investors.

In March of 2021, the IRS announced Operation Hidden Treasure in order to crack down on cryptocurrency reporting. If you’ve bought and/or sold cryptocurrency recently, it’s important to declare your crypto correctly on your tax forms in order to avoid fraud and evasion charges.

Here’s what you need to know.

Before we jump into it, if you know you owe IRS back taxes on your crypto gains, it’s important to reach out to a tax resolution firm like ours that is skilled in negotiating back tax debt with the IRS. We can help you file amended returns and get you back in compliance, while potentially negotiating with the IRS on your behalf. Contact us today for a consultation.

What Is Operation Hidden Treasure?

Operation Hidden Treasure is a joint effort by the IRS Civil Office of Fraud Enforcement and its Criminal Investigation Unit. This operation is designed to search for unreported income from cryptocurrency.

Operation Hidden Treasure has trained agents to examine the blockchain in order to find signs of tax evasion. Blockchain is the digital ledger that tracks your cryptocurrency mining and transactions. The signs that IRS agents look for are marked as signatures that make it easier to detect further fraudulent activity.

Crypto users have found ways to skirt reporting requirements by sending multiple transactions under a certain dollar amount or pouring their virtual currency into shell corporations, different countries, and cold storage. The IRS is also collaborating with European law enforcement agencies to tackle international fraud.

How To Protect Your Assets

The IRS considers virtual currency to be property akin to gold, rather than money and is taxed accordingly. If your only crypto transaction this year was purchasing crypto with US dollars, then that does not need to be reported, according to the IRS FAQ on their website. However, if you sold your crypto or you traded your crypto for any goods or services, then that does need to be reported.

When you sell your crypto, keep track of its value when you purchased it, and its value when you sold it. While crypto and the IRS can both be murky subjects, your transparency is the key to protecting your financial assets from future tax audits.

To get ready for the upcoming tax season, it’s important to get your portfolio organized. If you have bought, sold, or traded crypto in the past year, contact a tax lawyer or a tax resolution firm like ours for advice on how to report your cryptocurrency transactions.

Need Tax Relief?
If you do get in trouble with the IRS and they claim you owe $10,000 or more, reach out to our tax resolution firm and we’ll schedule a free, no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options in full to permanently resolve your tax problem.

It is one of the scariest things that can befall a taxpayer – the dreaded notice from the IRS stating you owe them more money you can’t pay. When you open up the mailbox and see the return address of the tax agency staring back at you, your heart is bound to skip a beat (or two).

Few people look forward to communicating with the IRS, but plenty of taxpayers receive these notices every year. If you do find yourself on the receiving end of such a notice, knowing what to do next could make all the difference, and possibly save your bank account. Here are seven critical steps to take if the IRS disagrees with the income (or expense) figures you have reported.

Note: If you fall behind on filing your taxes, you’re not alone and we can help. Reach out to our tax resolution firm and we’ll help you file late tax returns and negotiate with the IRS if you owe back taxes.


  1. Stop panicking. Getting a letter from the IRS is enough to send your heart racing, but it is not the end of the world, and panic will not help you. Staying calm and reviewing the communication will be key, so settle your nerves and move on to the next steps.


  1. Review the document carefully. The letter you received from the IRS should clearly lay out where they disagree with your figures and what they used to come up with their own math. Reviewing these figures is the critical next step, and it is one you should take your time with.


  1. Pull a copy of the tax return in question. The communication you received from the IRS will tell you which year’s tax return is in question, so pulling a copy of that return should be your next step. Once you have the document in hand you can start to review the figures and see where the discrepancies came from.


  1. Find your supporting documents. In many cases these kinds of discrepancies are caused by simple errors like transposed numbers, so compare the figures on the supporting documents to what ended up on your return. You may find, for instance, that you reported interest of $2,150 as $1,250, and the solution could be as simple as ponying up the extra tax.


  1. Contact the best tax resolution firm. If you used a professional tax preparer, you might be tempted to talk to them first. That might be ok, but if you owe a large amount of back taxes, they might not be able to help. That’s where a good tax relief or tax resolution firm can help. The best tax relief firms can actually negotiate on your behalf with the IRS and find the best resolution for your tax situation, sometimes settling for less than what you owe in taxes!


  1. Review the response form. If you did make a mistake on your tax return, you can simply agree to the figures the IRS reported and pay the additional tax, along with any applicable penalties and interest. If you disagree, you can respond with the supporting documents that prove your case. Either way you will need to use the response form included with the letter, so review and complete that form carefully. We don’t suggest you do this yourself, instead, call our tax relief firm and make sure you investigate the issue in its entirety. Otherwise, you could land yourself in more trouble.


  1. Follow up. It can take some time for these kinds of discrepancies to be resolved, so you will need to bring a healthy dose of patience. If you agree with the notice and choose to pay the extra tax, you can see when your check is cashed or the money is taken out of your account, documenting the situation and keeping careful records. If you disagree, you will need to wait for the IRS to respond, but make sure you don’t assume the issue is resolved unless you have documentation stating that.


If you do need to contact the IRS, keep in mind that their phone lines are extremely busy. Many people who have been through this trauma recommend calling early in the morning, right after the phone lines open, so you can get in line and get your questions answer before the lines fill up.


We NEVER suggest our clients try to contact the IRS on their own. It would be like going to court without a lawyer. The IRS is not your friend, they’re sole responsibility in these cases is to collect taxes they think they’re owed.


Hopefully you will never be on the receiving end of a nasty letter from the IRS but it is still important to be prepared. If you do find a letter from the IRS in your mailbox, following the seven critical steps listed above could save you from further trouble.

Reach out to our tax resolution firm and we’ll schedule a free, no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options in full to permanently resolve your tax problem.


Whether you are expecting a nice tax refund or preparing to write a big scary check, you know that April 15 is the annual tax filing deadline. What you may not know, however, is that tax day is every day at the IRS, and the tax agency is always reviewing the information taxpayers and business owners have provided.


That means that keeping tax records is about more than just smart bookkeeping – it is an integral form of self protection. You see, millions of Americans get letters from the IRS stating they owe back taxes or requesting more information about their tax returns.


It may be disconcerting, but the IRS has the right to request additional information months, or even years, after the return you filed has supposedly been processed and accepted. In fact, the much feared tax agency can request additional documentation for up to three years after the annual tax deadline has come and gone.


We help people resolve their back tax problems and often settle with the IRS for less than the amount they owe, but in order to do this, we need to provide the right records. Thats where having your tax records saved can be the difference between settling your tax debt or not.


As a result, it is important to retain your tax records and keep certain tax documents on hand, just in case the IRS asks for them. Here are the most common tax records and how long you should keep them around.


If you owe back taxes, our firm can help negotiate with the IRS and potentially settle your tax debt. Call us today. Our tax resolution specialists can navigate the IRS maze so that you have nothing to worry about. []


Save The Tax Returns Themselves

In most cases the IRS will have up to three years to question the figures you reported on your tax return, or otherwise challenge the information you provided. You may think the tax year is over, but for the IRS the final curtain does not fall for a full 36 months.


For this reason, it is generally a good idea to keep your old tax returns for a minimum of three years. You do not necessarily have to print and retain hard copies of your tax returns – electronic documents are fine as long as you will be able to access them quickly should you need them.


If you fail to keep copies of your tax returns, you can still access them by asking the IRS for transcripts. It is best to keep your own records, and doing so will make your life a lot easier.


Pay Stubs and W2 Forms

As with the tax returns themselves, it is generally a good idea to keep your W2 forms for a minimum of three years. This will provide you with the documentation you need should the IRS find a discrepancy between the amount of income you reported to the agency and the figures your employer provided.


It is also a good idea to retain at least your year-end pay stubs, not only to help reconcile them with the W2 forms but also for other forms of income documentation. If you are applying for a mortgage, for instance, the lender may ask to see several years worth of tax returns, pay stubs and other income documents, and having them on hand will make the application process faster and easier.


Income and Dividend Forms

The IRS looks at all of the income you report when you complete and submit your tax returns, but the agency does not just take your word for the accuracy of those figures. Instead the IRS uses sophisticated matching programs to compare the amount of income you reported from various sources with what they receive from third party sources.


Those third party sources could include your bank and credit union, your brokerage firms and mutual fund companies and any other places that provide you with income. It is therefore a good idea to hold onto any income related forms you receive for at least three years, and possibly longer if you run your own business or earn income from gig work or freelancing.


Once again, these income documents can do double duty, serving as backup if the IRS questions the numbers on your tax return but also giving you the information lenders and others might need down the road. If you store these documents electronically you will not even need to worry about buying a file cabinet, so there is really no reason to not keep them around.


Filing taxes can be a stressful experience, but the difficulty does not end when you click send on your e-filed tax return. Even after that return has been filed and accepted, the IRS could still question or challenge your numbers, and that is why it is so important to retain the backup documentation until the challenge window has passed. Now that you know what to retain and for how long, you can rest a little easier when tax time rolls around.


If you do run into tax trouble or the IRS states you owe back taxes, reach out to our tax resolution firm and we’ll schedule a free, no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options in full to permanently resolve your tax problem. []