Tax season can be a stressful time, especially if you find yourself facing a hefty tax bill that you can’t pay in full. The good news is that the IRS offers solutions to help taxpayers manage their tax debt, including installment agreements and short-term extensions. In this article, we will explore these IRS payment plans and how they can provide financial relief to individuals and businesses struggling with their tax obligations.

Understanding the Challenge

Life is unpredictable, and there may be times when unexpected financial burdens prevent you from paying your taxes in full by the due date. Whether it’s a sudden medical expense, a job loss, or any other unforeseen circumstance, the IRS understands that not everyone can meet their tax obligations on time.

IRS Payment Plans Explained

1. **Installment Agreements:**

An IRS installment agreement is a structured payment plan that allows you to pay your tax debt over time. It’s an excellent option for those who can’t pay their full tax bill upfront. Here’s how it works:

– **Application:** To get started, you’ll need to apply for an installment agreement. This can typically be done online, by mail, or in some cases, over the phone.
– **Payment Amount:** The IRS will work with you to determine a monthly payment amount based on your financial situation. It’s crucial to be honest and accurate when providing your financial information.
– **Fees:** Keep in mind that there may be setup fees associated with installment agreements. However, these fees are generally lower for low-income taxpayers.

2. **Short-Term Extensions:**

If you need a bit more time to pay your tax bill but believe you can do so within 120 days, you can request a short-term extension. Here’s what you should know:

– **No Setup Fees:** Unlike installment agreements, there are no setup fees for short-term extensions.
– **Penalties and Interest:** You will still be subject to penalties and interest on the unpaid balance during the extension period. However, the penalties are typically lower than those associated with installment agreements.

Benefits of IRS Payment Plans

Now that you understand the basics of IRS payment plans, let’s explore why they can be a lifeline for individuals and businesses facing tax debt:

1. **Financial Relief:**

IRS payment plans provide immediate financial relief by allowing you to spread your tax payments over an extended period. This can prevent you from draining your savings or going into debt to cover your tax bill.

2. **Avoiding Collection Actions:**

By entering into an IRS payment plan, you can avoid more severe collection actions such as wage garnishment, bank levies, or asset seizures. This protects your financial stability and peace of mind.

3. **Customized Plans:**

The IRS works with you to create a payment plan that suits your financial situation. Your monthly payments are tailored to your ability to pay, ensuring that you can meet your other essential financial obligations.

4. **Improved Credit Score:**

While your tax debt remains unpaid, it can negatively impact your credit score. Setting up an IRS payment plan and making consistent payments can help you rebuild your credit over time.

5. **Reduced Penalties:**

Although you’ll still incur interest on the unpaid balance, the penalties associated with IRS payment plans are generally lower than those imposed for failing to pay taxes on time without an agreement.

How to Apply for IRS Payment Plans

Applying for an IRS payment plan is a straightforward process:

1. **Gather Necessary Information:**

Before applying, gather your financial information, including details about your income, expenses, and the amount you owe. This will help the IRS assess your ability to pay.

2. **Choose the Right Plan:**

Decide whether you want to apply for an installment agreement or a short-term extension based on your financial circumstances and how quickly you can pay your tax debt.

3. **Apply Online or by Mail:**

You can apply for an installment agreement or a short-term extension online through the IRS website. Alternatively, you can submit Form 9465, Installment Agreement Request, by mail.

4. **Await Approval:**

Once you’ve applied, the IRS will review your request and notify you of their decision. If approved, they will provide details on the terms of your payment plan.


Dealing with tax debt can be overwhelming, but the IRS payment plans discussed in this article can offer a lifeline during challenging financial times. These options provide a structured and manageable way to address your tax obligations without resorting to drastic measures. Whether you opt for an installment agreement or a short-term extension, taking proactive steps to address your tax debt can lead to financial stability and peace of mind. Remember, when in doubt, seek guidance from tax professionals or IRS representatives to ensure you make the best choice for your unique situation.

Tax season can be an unpleasant time of year for a lot of taxpayers, especially if you owe money to the IRS or State. The one thing you can do is, be proactive, and prepared, and engage a tax resolution specialist to help guide you.


If you owe back taxes to the IRS, then read every word in this article very carefully because what you do next can impact your financial stability and peace of mind. Today I will share with you what tax resolution is and how it can help you.


Before we jump into it, if you have a back tax debt or years of unfiled tax returns, contact our firm for a consultation We always recommend that you do not talk to the IRS without representation as, many times, it makes your situation worse.


The IRS can be an intimidating agency to speak with and will do everything in its power to collect what is owed to them. Connect with one of our tax resolution specialists for a no-obligation consultation so we can review your case and guide you to the best option for your specific situation. You won’t have to talk to the IRS; our firm can provide the peace of mind needed to resolve your tax issue.


What is Tax Resolution?

Tax resolution, also known as IRS Representation, or Tax Controversy, is the process of resolving back tax issues with the IRS or state tax authorities. It generally involves negotiating a payment plan or a settlement agreement for less than you owe. Many times, for a lot less if you’re eligible.


There are several options available for resolving taxes owed including:

  • Payment Plan A payment plan is an installment agreement that allows you to pay off your tax debt over time until the debt is paid in full.
  • Partial Pay Payment Plan – A “PPIA” is an installment agreement that allows you to pay off your tax debt for less than the total amount.
  • Offer in Compromise An Offer in Compromise (OIC) is an agreement between you and the IRS to settle your tax debt for less than the total amount owed. To qualify for an OIC, you must demonstrate that you are unable to pay your tax debt in full and meet certain eligibility requirements.
  • Currently Not Collectible If you are facing financial hardship and are unable to pay your tax debt, you may qualify for Currently Not Collectible (CNC) status. This means that the IRS will temporarily suspend collection efforts until your financial situation improves. However, this does not mean you do not owe what you owe, it just means it is a temporary suspension on making monthly payments to the IRS.


How Can Tax Resolution Help You?

If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of owing back taxes to the IRS, then here is how tax resolution can help you in several ways:

  • Avoid Penalties and Interest When you owe back taxes, the IRS will assess penalties and interest on the amount owed. These fees can add up to another 50% to the principal tax owed. We can help you avoid or reduce these fees, which can add up quickly over time.
  • Reduce Your Tax Debt Tax resolution can help you negotiate a settlement agreement or payment plan that reduces your tax debt. This can make it easier to pay off your outstanding taxes and get back on track financially.
  • Protect Your Assets If you owe back taxes, the IRS will eventually attempt to garnish your wages or seize your assets, including bank accounts. We can help you protect your assets and income and negotiate the lowest monthly payment allowed by law.
  • Improve Your Credit Score When you owe back taxes, it may negatively impact your credit score. Tax resolution can help you pay off your tax debt and improve your credit score over time.


In conclusion, tax resolution is a way to settle tax debt and get back on track financially. It involves negotiating a payment plan or settlement agreement with the IRS or state tax authorities. By avoiding penalties and interest, reducing your tax debt, protecting your assets, and improving your credit score, tax resolution can help you achieve financial stability and peace of mind. If you owe back taxes, it is important to take action sooner, rather than later, and explore your options for resolution.

Our firm specializes in tax resolution, even if you have years of unfiled tax returns, or owe the IRS over $10,000 we can help! If you want an expert tax resolution specialist who knows how to navigate the IRS maze, reach out to our firm and we’ll schedule a no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options to permanently resolve your tax problem.

Filing taxes can be a daunting process, but for some, it’s much more than that – tax audits. This stressful situation involves having the IRS put your tax return under a microscope to see if you reported all your income and to see if you overstated your deductions and expenses. The IRS’s main goal in an audit is to assess more taxes, penalties, and interest. It’s an intimidating experience that most Americans dread facing!

An IRS audit can cause even the most squeaky-clean of taxpayers to become fearful and anxious when faced with defending themselves to an auditor. It’s understandable why the majority feel powerless in this situation. You also have to understand and get comfortable with, in the eyes of an IRS auditor, you are guilty until proven innocent. Navigating the tax code on your own is not a good place to be.

Tax audits don’t have to be a source of fear as long as you’ve remained compliant with all the rules and regulations. The best way to ensure peace of mind is to work with an experienced Tax Resolution Specialist who represents clients in such matters and has a good track record. Contact our firm for a complimentary no-obligation consultation to assess your situation.

An IRS audit can be a very time-consuming and intrusive exercise that can include a visit from the auditor.  Audits can also be conducted remotely. This method, known as a desk audit, involves sending documents through fax or mail to evaluate accuracy and compliance with established law.

Filing taxes is a complex process and the IRS seeks to ensure accuracy by auditing income tax returns.  These examinations may be focused on certain deductions, particularly if taxpayers have claimed for more than what their reported incomes suggest – but this does not necessarily indicate any wrongdoing or misconduct. The IRS can also select your return to be audited for no reason at all.  These are referred to as “random” audits to ensure compliance with tax laws.

Taxes are a fundamental pillar of our society and the government strives to ensure that everyone is compliant. To this end, random audits from both Federal and State authorities may be conducted in order to verify taxpayers’ income as well as expenses incurred throughout the year; making sure all taxation payments due remain accurate.

Preparing for a tax audit should be an ongoing process. To avoid any problems, ensure that all deductions taken are backed up with proof and every receipt is kept on file along with the return – you never know what may arise in the future! It’s important to remember: only declare items that can easily be defended – your documents are a crucial piece to your defense. Ensure each tax record remains safely stored away for at least seven years as per IRS regulations.

Protect your finances and future by taking the time to review your tax returns before signing off, even if you have a professional do them. A thorough examination of the documents will not only help ensure accuracy in filing but also offers an invaluable opportunity for you to gain knowledge on taxes – safeguarding against potential penalties or interest charges related to inaccuracies down the line.

Tax audits can be intimidating, but with a little foresight and the right representation it doesn’t have to cause stress. Staying organized throughout the year is key for having peace of mind when tax season rolls around. Finding an experienced professional who understands your individual needs will help make dealing with the audit as painless as possible.

Take the worry out of representing yourself in front of the IRS, which is like going to court without a lawyer.  Let our expert team lift this from your shoulders and navigate the IRS on your behalf. Schedule a no-obligation consultation to explore your options and get on track toward permanently resolving any worries you have over having to meet with and defend yourself in an IRS or State income tax audit.

Tax season can be a time of great anticipation for millions of Americans with dreams of a nice, big, refund check coming soon. Yet this year, many Americans may find themselves surprised and coming up short on their refunds.


Many taxpayers have been shocked to find that this year, instead of a big tax refund check arriving in the mail, they are being saddled with an unexpected bill from Uncle Sam. The combination of recent tax law changes and updated employer withholding tables has left individuals scrambling to figure out how to pay for their new IRS obligations due at filing time.


If you’re worried about a looming tax bill, never fear: there are measures you can take to ensure that your taxes don’t unexpectedly balloon. From budgeting tips to what do when the worst happens, these strategies will have your wallet breathing easy throughout the year!


The Earlier the Better!

Ignoring an IRS debt could ultimately result in serious consequences. It is in your best interest to be aware of any outstanding amount as soon as possible, providing time for tax planning and sourcing the necessary funds.


Don’t let late payments rack up and cause costly penalties and interest. Be proactive about filing your taxes so you’ll have a good idea of what will be owed, if anything, that is needed to be paid on time.


Pay Attention to Your Paychecks

With the recent changes in tax law, your paychecks may have grown more generous – but don’t get too excited! They could mean less of a refund or an unexpected bill when you file. Make sure to stay informed and plan ahead so unpleasant surprises won’t come back to haunt you this filing season.


To prepare for tax season, it’s important to monitor your paychecks and ensure that the right amount is withheld. If you see a decrease in federal taxes being taken out of each paycheck, adjust this with your employer immediately – even though it may mean taking home less every month. Doing so can help protect you from federal and state tax debts and penalties later!


Run Your Numbers Before

With just your final paycheck from last year and a few additional details, you can gain insight into what kind of tax refund or balance due to expect come filing season. It pays to take the time for preparation now so there are no unpleasant surprises later! However, please note that you should never use your 2022 final paycheck to prepare your return. You’ll need the actual W-2 from your employer in order to file a complete and accurate return.


To be prepared for tax season, compile all necessary records of your income, credits and deductions to estimate what you owe. Leverage the power of a reliable tax preparation software or use an everyday calculator with those numbers in hand to better understand your financial situation.


Know You Have Back Taxes or Will Owe A Lot?

Ignoring a tax bill isn’t an option; the IRS will always come knocking. Settling it quickly can save you from further financial trouble, so don’t delay. Your taxes may burden your wallet now, but they’ll take hefty chunks out of your future if left unresolved!


Dealing with the IRS can be a daunting experience for many taxpayers. Even getting the IRS on the phone these days is nearly impossible. Without proper guidance, and expert help, attempting to negotiate your own tax problem is like going to court without a lawyer – not a wise move!


Struggling with tax burdens from the IRS or State? Our experienced team knows the IRS’s “ins and outs”, knows how to navigate the IRS maze and is here to assist you in finding a resolution that works best for your unique situation. Take advantage of our knowledge and expertise by booking an appointment with us today – take control of your taxes, and your life, before they become unmanageable!

The tax-filing deadline will be here before you know it and pretty soon, you’ll be gathering up your receipts and plugging in numbers. I know you’re hoping for good news, and praying for a big refund in the process.

If all goes well you won’t owe anything and you might even be getting back a nice refund. But, what should you do if you owe money? If you know you owe money to the IRS, you might be tempted to not file a return, but that is the worst thing you can do!

If you fail to file on time, the IRS will come after you until you do. Worse yet, the tax agency can assess up to 25% just in late filing penalties. Plus, interest will start piling up right away. Instead of not filing, here are the steps you should take if you owe money to the IRS.

Seek Out Tax Deductions You Can Still Claim
If you find that you owe taxes, all might not be lost. As long as the April 15th tax-filing deadline has not yet passed, you can still add money to an IRA, lowering your taxable income in the process. As long as you meet the income guidelines for a deductible IRA, this step alone could lower the amount you owe or even entitle you to a refund.

Pay as Much as You Can As Soon as You Can
Speaking of paying up, it is important to pay as much as you can as soon as

you can. Even if you file for an extension, the clock will still be ticking on any required payments, and the penalties and interest can add up pretty quickly.

If you know you owe money to the IRS, paying it off should be your number one priority. That might mean squeezing your dollars extra hard or trimming your budget to the bone, but it beats paying penalties and high interest to the IRS.

Seek Professional Tax Help and Guidance
Owing money to the IRS is no joke, and dealing with the situation is not something you should try to tackle on your own. If you know you owe money to the IRS and cannot pay the bill in full, it is important to seek professional help and guidance.

A tax resolution expert can guide you through the process, helping you prepare, submit and negotiate a payment plan that works for you and the IRS doesn’t get to manage your monthly cash flow. You also may qualify for an offer in compromise, which settles your case for less than the amount owed, but it’s important to act as quickly as possible – you do not want your tax situation to get worse.

Hopefully, you will find a reason to smile when you file your taxes this year. Hopefully, you will find that you are due a refund, and you can begin making plans for the money that will soon arrive in your bank account.

If not, it is important to know what to do and which steps to take. If you owe money to the IRS, you need professional help and guidance, so call a tax relief expert right away to preserve your rights and your money.

Before you make a decision, let our firm see if we can help. We negotiate with the IRS day-in and day-out. We can potentially settle your tax debt for a lot less than you owe. Call us today to find out. Our tax resolution specialists navigate the IRS maze so you don’t have to.

The IRS is not one to mess around with when it comes time for repayment. They are the least forgiving creditor when it comes to collecting what they think is owed to them. The IRS will seize assets including bank accounts and property such as wages or real estate.


Contact a Tax Relief Firm

The IRS is known for tricking people into giving incriminating answers. You should not represent yourself as you may end up in more trouble. Find someone who knows how to help! Finding a reputable tax resolution specialist is your best option since the average tax preparer does not know how to deal with these situations.


The IRS is not your friend. They are the most brutal collection agency on the planet. They exist solely to assess and collect taxes and will do whatever it takes, when they think you have their money. They will also file a notive of federal tax lien. So, if you have a real estate transaction pending any proceeds from the sale of that property, over and above the mortgage amount, will be intercepted by the IRS to go towards your outstanding tax debt. A tax resolution professional will ensure to protect your assets and income from the long arm of the IRS.


Next Steps


The next step you will want to do is gather all of your financial documents and call our firm. We will help put together your case to the IRS and represent you to let them know that a levy will cause hardship for you and your family. We will need documented evidence that the levy will cause financial hardship for you, and if you can prove this, the IRS will release the levy. However, this is just putting a temporary band-aid on the situation, you will still owe the balance to the IRS. Once we get the IRS levy released, it just means the IRS will not garnish your income and will work with you to figure out a game plan to resolve the debt.


Make Payment Arrangements

We can negotiate a payment plan for your back taxes with the IRS. If you are entered into an installment plan, the IRS will release the levy notice.


Get an Offer In Compromise

More often than not, you can get your debt “settled” for less than what you actually owe. Oftentimes, for a lot less. This is what we call an offer in compromise. An offer in compromise allows you to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount you owe. It may be a legitimate option if you can’t pay your full tax liability via payments, or doing so creates a financial hardship. The IRS will look into your ability to pay, your income, your expenses, and your assets to determine if you qualify for an offer in compromise.


The IRS generally approves an offer in compromise when the amount offered showcases the most they can expect to collect within a reasonable period of time. If you do move forward with an offer in compromise, make


sure you hire a tax resolution specialist to help you prepare, submit and negotiate an offer, and be sure to check their qualifications before working with them. In these situations, you want the best of the best to represent you before speaking to the IRS.


The IRS is no place for the faint-hearted. It’s hard enough filing your taxes on time every year, but if you ever find yourself in need of tax resolution services that can help permanently resolve problems with the IRS – reach out to our firm today! We will look into your situation and give you the best options for your specific case. Contact one of our tax resolution specialist today.

When you owe back taxes and can’t afford to make any payments, then it may be time for a special tax status known as currently not collectible. This means that your debt is still considered valid even though there’s no chance of recovery right now. When you’re approved for currently not collectible status, the IRS can no longer garnish your wages or seize any property.

Now, don’t forget about these debts because the IRS is still looking for payment.


What is Currently Not Collectible Status?

The IRS will place your account in currently not collectible status if you can’t pay both back taxes and reasonable living expenses. You may request this by submitting the proper form with documentation that proves how much income you have left over that is available to make a payment, along with any assets that have been sold recently to cover mounting debts – like homes!


To qualify for the currently not collectible status, you will need to put together a case that you will present to the IRS. Gather copies of your bills, proof of your income (pay stubs, bank statements, alimony, etc), and your investments. It is important to document your inability to pay so that if the IRS determines you cannot afford your necessary expenses, it can grant you status.


When dealing with the IRS, it is best to have a professional in your corner. The IRS can be very intimidating and might ask invasive questions that could land you deeper into trouble than before if you do not know how to answer properly. Remember – they are not friends of yours; their job entails collecting what they believe you owe them so make sure any interaction stays as simple and effective as possible. That is why it is crucial to reach out for help from one of our tax resolution specialists.


Temporary Solution

If your status is approved, it does not mean you do not have to file your current and future taxes. This status only applies to your back taxes that the IRS is looking to collect. The currently not collectible status is simply a bandaid to help you get back on your feet. That way you can put yourself in a better position to make a payment in the future. The IRS may review your status every year or two if it looks like there is potential for repayment. You will only be able to keep the status active if you still can not make a payment on your back taxes.


Statute of Limitations

The IRS is an institution that prides itself on being collections-oriented. They will try to collect outstanding taxes for only 10 years from the date they were assessed against you. Once the 10 years is up, the IRS can no longer collect the back taxes. This also applies if you have the currently not collectible status. If you do not have the status, are in an installment agreement, or have an offer in compromise pending, the IRS can garnish wages and add more penalties to your case making things worse for you as well as your wallet.


In today’s tough economic climate, many families are struggling to make ends meet. If you’re worried about the IRS garnishing your wages or levying bank accounts, or filing liens against your property for non-payment of taxes you owe – then reaching out may give you some peace of mind.


Our firm will help explain all options available in order to relieve any anxiety associated with these situations because we know how intimidating this can be if nothing has been done before. There is a solution to every IRS problem. Connect with one of our tax resolution specialists to see if you qualify for the currently not collectible status or any of the other IRS settlement options you may be eligible for and the best next steps for your situation.

During much of 2020 and 2021, you may have qualified for the Employee Retention Credit (ERC).


With the ERC, you found (or could find) tax credits of up to $26,000 per employee. That’s a lot. With 10 employees, that’s $260,000.


Key point. If you have not claimed the ERC, you can amend your 2020 and 2021 payroll tax returns for the credit. (Amending the payroll is not difficult—so no sweat on that score.)


Three Ways to Qualify


  1. Decline in gross receipts (on a quarterly basis, by more than 50 percent in 2020 compared with 2019, and by more than 20 percent in 2021 compared with 2019)
  2. Government order that caused a full or partial shutdown (think physical space)
  3. Government order that caused more than a nominal effect (think modification of activity)


Two Types of ERC Qualifications: Receipts and Government Orders


First, if you can qualify for the ERC under the gross receipts test, go that route. It’s easy to prove. And you get the ERC for the full quarter.


With the shutdown or modification because of a government order, you get the ERC only for the days that you suffered a full or partial suspension or suffered more than a nominal effect on your business. For example, if you suffered for 27 days, you can qualify for the credit for those 27 days.


If you can’t qualify under the 50 percent or 20 percent decline in gross receipts tests, your only alternative is the government order.


What Government Order Creates the ERC for You?


If you can establish that your business was fully or partially suspended because of a federal, state, or local government order, you are eligible on a day-by-day basis for the ERC during those periods of full or partial suspension. Given the possibility of tax credits equal to $5,000 per employee in 2020 and $21,000 per employee in 2021, this is worth pursuing.


Remember 2020 and 2021. It’s hard to think that your business did not suffer due to a federal, state, or local government order during this COVID-19 pandemic. Even if you are an essential business, you likely suffered to some degree.


Here’s a short list of how a government order could have caused your full or partial shutdown:


  • You had to limit your hours of operation.
  • You had to temporarily shut down operations.
  • You had to close your workplace to some or all of your employees.
  • Your employees were subject to a curfew and could not work during normal work hours.
  • Your business had to shut for periodic cleaning and disinfecting.
  • The government order caused a supply chain disruption that caused you to cut back operations.


Full or Partial Shutdown Safe Harbor


You likely have no trouble identifying the full shutdown caused by a federal, state, or local government order. One thing to remember, as we mentioned before: when you qualify for the ERC under the full or partial shutdown, you earn the ERC only for the shutdown period.


To determine if your business suffered a partial suspension of operations from a government order, you need to have had more than a nominal portion of your business suspended. The question follows: “What is a nominal portion?” Say thanks to the IRS. Rather than rely on facts and circumstances, you can rely on the IRS safe-harbor 10 percent definition of nominal portion.


It works like this.


The effect of the government order is deemed to constitute more than a nominal portion of your business operations if either


  1. the gross receipts from that portion of the business operations are not less than 10 percent of the total gross receipts (both determined using the gross receipts for the same calendar quarter in 2019), or
  2. the hours of service performed by employees in that portion of the business are not less than 10 percent of the total number of hours of service performed by all employees in the employer’s business (both determined using the number of hours of service performed by employees in the same calendar quarter in 2019).


Example. A 2020 government order requires Sam to shut down his bar and restaurant to sit-down service. Sam looks at his 2019 quarterly results and finds that his sit-down service was 73 percent of his gross receipts for that quarter. During the 61 days that Sam was shut down by this government order, he qualifies for the ERC.


The full or partial shutdown is about a physical space change. You can also qualify for the ERC if the government order caused a modification to your business.


Nominal-Effect Safe Harbor for a Modification to Your Business


Unlike the partial shutdown, where you can identify affected operations by physical space, the nominal-effect safe harbor comes into play when there’s a modification required by a federal, state, or local COVID-19 governmental order that has more than a nominal effect on your business operations. For example:


  • The government order limited your use of the physical space (e.g., keeping people and tables six feet apart).
  • The government order limited the size of gatherings, which affected your business (e.g., no more than 10 people in the store).


Here, you are faced with a facts-and-circumstances situation.


But again, you can thank the IRS for another safe harbor. The IRS deems that the federal, state, or local COVID-19 government order had a more-than-nominal effect on your business if it reduced your ability to provide goods or services in the normal course of your business by not less than 10 percent.


Example. Linda’s restaurant had to reduce its dining capacity from 100 to 60 patrons because of a government order. For this period, Linda qualifies for the ERC because she suffered more than a 10 percent reduction in the restaurant’s ability to service customers.


If you have some ERC possibilities and want my help, please call me on my direct line at 757-410-8030.


Even for honest taxpayers, the IRS can be extremely frightening. Unlike most other government agencies, the IRS has unbridled power to attach your wages, freeze your bank account and even confiscate your property, and that is enough to send a chill up the spine of any taxpayer.


If you receive a letter from the IRS saying that you owe additional taxes, it is important not to panic. It may be a frightening situation, but there are things you can do to settle your tax debt and get back on the good side of the IRS.


Taxpayers do have options when resolving tax disputes and paying additional taxes due, and simply knowing what those options are can set your mind at ease.


As an expert Tax Resolution Firm, we encourage all readers facing a tax problem, whether it’s the feds or the state,  to contact us for a free consultation


Here are three strategies you can use to resolve your tax debt and get on with the rest of your life. Not all of these options will be right for everyone, but it is important to be an informed taxpayer.

Review the Amount Owed And Your Tax Return In Question

If the IRS says you owe money, you should not simply assume they are right. The tax agency does make mistakes (a lot), as do tax preparers and ordinary taxpayers.


Whether you filed your taxes on your own or hired someone else to do it for you, it is important to examine your return and compare what you find with what the IRS is claiming. It pays to seek professional help for this tax review, even if you originally filed your own taxes. A professional with IRS experience may be able to uncover errors and inconsistencies you would have missed on your own, and that could end up saving you money.


There is no guarantee this review will eliminate the extra taxes the IRS says you owe, but it never hurts to be sure. There have been many cases in which taxpayers who thought they owed money to the IRS ended up owing nothing – or even being due a refund from the IRS.


Set Up a Payment Plan

Getting a notice of additional tax due from the IRS is frightening, especially if you cannot afford to pay what the agency says you owe. Keep in mind, however, that you do not necessarily have to pay the bill all at once.


The IRS is often willing to set up payment plans with taxpayers, and those payment plans could make paying what you owe easier and less stressful. Once again, it is a good idea to seek professional help and guidance here – the IRS can drive a hard bargain, and you do not want to end up with a payment plan you cannot afford and wind up defaulting on it.


If you fall behind on the payment plan you agreed to, you could be subject to additional enforcement action, including the tax agency garnering your paycheck or seizing funds from your bank accounts. Getting the help of a tax resolution professional upfront can help you avoid these serious consequences.


Explore an Offer in Compromise Settlement

If you are truly unable to pay the money the IRS claims you owe, you may be able to work out a (much) smaller lump sum payment. The IRS may not advertise this program, but they are often willing to work with taxpayers by accepting lesser amounts, especially if those taxpayers have little in the way of equity in assets and a limited income. Sometimes these settlements can be for a fraction of what’s owed if you qualify.  We offer a free no-obligation consultation to find out if you qualify


If you plan to explore this last option, it is critical that you work with a tax resolution expert. An offer in compromise can be extremely complicated, with legalese and language that can be difficult to understand. You do not want to make a misstep here, and you want to ensure that you are only paying the lowest amount, allowed by law, in the settlement of your tax bill.


Few things are as frightening as getting a letter from the IRS. That official-looking letterhead is bad enough, but what the letter says is even worse. If you receive such a letter, you need to take positive steps right away. Ignoring the situation will make it worse and it won’t go away, and the sooner you start exploring your tax resolution options the better off you will be.


If you want the help of an expert tax resolution professional who knows how to navigate the IRS maze, reach out to our firm and we’ll schedule a no-obligation confidential consultation to explain all your options to permanently resolve your tax problem.

If you don’t have money to pay what you owe the IRS, you have a few options to work with. Whatever you do, don’t ignore the letters from the IRS, and don’t let your back tax problem go unattended. The IRS has a great deal of power when it comes to recovering the money they think is theirs.


When you owe the IRS money,  they can garnish your wages, levy your bank accounts, put a lien on your home, and seize other assets.


Here’s what you can do if you find yourself not being able to pay your taxes. Note, we always recommend getting in touch with a tax resolution professional to help avoid the harsh penalties and interest that accrued on your back taxes. It’s far easier to navigate towards tax resolution if you have a professional working on your behalf. If you’d like to schedule a no-cost confidential tax relief consultation, contact us here.


First, make sure that you file your returns

Even if you have no hope of being able to pay your taxes, you must at least file your income tax returns. Whatever the penalties are for not paying your taxes, the penalties for not filing are much larger and non-filers can be subject to a criminal investigation. . The IRS will remove penalties for not filing and not paying but you have to have a good reason. We can request to have your penalties removed or reduced. It’s also important to remember that when you file for an extension, it only gives you more time to file. Your payment date remains unchanged.


Revisit your W-4 withholdings

If your employer withholds money from your salary to pay your taxes with, you shouldn’t have to worry about paying anything extra from that income source. If you do owe more, it’s a sign that your withholding exemptions are incorrectly reported on your W-4 form. To make sure that you don’t get into tax trouble repeatedly, you should make sure your W-4 form is correct and get advice from a tax professional about the kind of withholdings necessary for exemptions.


Make a partial payment

If you can’t afford to pay all that you owe, you should pay whatever you can. While you will still be hit with interest and penalty charges, they will be smaller than they would be if you paid nothing. These charges are proportional to what you owe the IRS.


Try to work with the IRS

If you can’t pay, there are resolution options available to you if you qualify for them. They include a payment plan or an offer in compromise to name a few. You need to first step up and admit to your inability to pay, though.


An offer in compromise is an agreement between the IRS and the taxpayer that allows the taxpayer to settle their debt for less than the amount owed. Sometimes, for a fraction of the amount owed.  There are strict eligibility requirements and you should consult with a tax resolution specialist first.


An installment agreement, aka payment plan, is an agreement between the IRS and the taxpayer that permits the taxpayer to pay back their debt over time, generally in 60-72 months. Depending upon the amount owed, and ability to make monthly payments, determines the type of installment agreement the IRS will allow, as there are several variations of these payment plans.  An experienced tax resolution specialist will guide you through the maze and myriad of these different options.


If you need an expert tax resolution provider who knows how to navigate the IRS maze, reach out to our firm and we’ll schedule a no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options to permanently resolve your tax problem.