Filing your taxes is never a fun thing to do, but if you don’t file them at all then the IRS will come calling. They have unbridled power to file a return on your behalf in theirs, not yours, best interest.


They have powerful collection tools and an unforgiving nature that makes this one of the worst mistakes anyone could make. Getting on their bad side isn’t easy; having years worth of unfiled returns only adds fuel to the fire!


The IRS is always on the lookout for taxpayer’s who haven’t filed legally required income or payroll tax returns. If you have unfiled tax returns, it’s only a matter of time before they find out and demand the return and their money with penalties and interest! When it gets to a point where the IRS contacts you, the amount they claim you owe will be far greater than the amount you actually owe if you haven’t filed. You don’t want this situation and unfortunately in these circumstances the amount they claim you owe is what you will have to pay unless you prove otherwise.


Before we jump into it, if you have back tax debt or years of unfiled tax returns, contact our firm for a consultation You won’t have to talk to, or meet with, the IRS and our firm can provide the peace of mind you need to resolve your tax issue.


The longer you wait, the worse the situation will become. Here are some important steps you can take if you have unfiled returns with the IRS.


Get Your Documentation

If you’ve been neglecting your taxes for too long, it’s time to take care of things. An experienced tax resolution firm can help get things back on track and oftentimes, even if the records are missing or destroyed, there are alternative methods to reconstruct your tax return. However, only a tax resolution professional will be able to accomplish this.


If you are missing W2 and 1099 forms from past years an experienced tax resolution pro has the ability to retrieve these as well.


Go Through the Numbers

The fear of not having the money to pay has caused many people to avoid filing their returns altogether , but those worries are often misplaced.

According to the IRS statistics approximately one-third (34%) of all unfiled federal tax forms may actually be due a refund! Now that you have all the documentation you need, it is time to run the numbers. And while you may not be able to get exact figures without filing the returns, you can get an idea of how much you might owe.


Hire a Professional

Whether you are an individual, partnership or corporation there is a strong temptation to let your past mistakes go. But doing so would put both financial security and freedom at risk – which makes filing those old tax


returns seem like tempting fate instead of bravely taking on the challenge ahead! It is a misdemeanor and possible jail time for failing to file legally required income tax returns. Don’t let this happen to you.


The IRS will assess a 25% failure to file penalty as well as up to a 25% failure to pay penalty, plus interest. Just filing your return, even if you can’t pay, will save you big time!


When you’re dealing with back taxes, it’s important to have someone on your side who knows what they are doing. A tax resolution professional can give invaluable advice and guidance about how to lower the amount that the IRS claims you owe and the best steps moving forward for your situation.


You’re not alone in the battle against the IRS. The IRS is ready and waiting for you, so it’s best to have an expert on your side who knows how to get the help you need and deserve.


A tax resolution professional can give advice about what needs to be done; from gathering documents like W-2s or 1099’s right down to making sure everything looks perfect when filing those unfiled returns.


Contacting the IRS on your own is not only a scary thought, it’s highly not recommended, but avoiding them will make your situation worse. When you don’t file your taxes and lose track of what’s owed to the government it can have devastating consequences for both yourself personally as well as financially. The IRS stores detailed records of everyone in their database


and chances are, you are already on their radar due to your lack of compliance.


Filing those returns ASAP will go miles in helping you get back on track before any more damage becomes irreversible. Filing your taxes might seem like a daunting task, but there is help for you. The right professional can make things right with the IRS and relieve the stress from this difficult situation.


The stress of not filing taxes can be enough to make you lose sleep. What’s worse, IRS problems usually affect all aspects of one’s life. Do yourself and your sanity a favor by filing your returns now; it isn’t nearly as scary or daunting as receiving the final collection letter from the IRS or getting your bank accounts levied.


If you are looking for tax relief, we can help! To help ease the stress from your situation, we offer a free consultation with one of our tax resolution experts. You don’t have to worry about confidentiality or cost because the consultation is completely free. Schedule an appointment with one of our experts today by following this link:

When it comes to your money, there’s only one person that truly has your best interests at heart – and that person is looking back at you in the mirror. Handling your own finances and making your own decisions can give you peace of mind and help you avoid a costly mistake.


There is a lot to be said for the do-it-yourself approach to your money, yet the go it alone path does have its limitations, especially when it comes to the IRS and back taxes.


We see clients that have tried to handle their taxes on their own, sometimes raising red flags with the IRS, resulting in audits, or getting hit with a big tax bill they can’t pay. They might set up an installment agreement on their own, but oftentimes, the DIY approach just makes the penalties and interest keep stacking up, placing you in an endless  loop of compounding interest, penalties and your tax debt growing every month despite making monthly payments. Many of our clients started out by trying to do this on their own or with their current tax preparer and didn’t get the results they were hoping for.


Dealing with the IRS takes a very specialized skill set that most tax preparers and even CPA’s don’t possess.  Make sure you have a tax resolution specialist on your side.


So, before you end up in that horror story, here are 3 times when hiring a tax pro or a tax relief firm like ours is the only way to go.


#1 You Just Received a Major Windfall

Even if you know how to handle your finances, receiving a major windfall can throw your plans for a loop. Whether you are the lucky holder of a winning lottery ticket or the recipient of a major inheritance, it pays to seek outside advice.

If you choose the DIY approach and make a mistake, you could end up paying more in taxes than you should, but a high tax bill is not the only danger. Handling your windfall the wrong way could throw off your asset allocation, impact financial aid for your college-bound children and create additional problems down the road.


#2 You Have Existings Tax Problems with the IRS

When you have issues with the IRS, you absolutely cannot afford to go it alone. Attempting to resolve tax issues on your own is unwise in the extreme, and a single slipup could leave you on the hook for even more. I mean, ask yourself if you would go before a judge in court without a lawyer representing you?  Probably not.  It’s the same here.  Representing yourself before the IRS is generally not a good idea.  Don’t do it. You most likely will get “creamed”!

If you receive a notice from the IRS, time is of the essence, but you should not let the desire for fast action override the need for professional help and guidance. If you want to resolve your issues fairly without going broke, do yourself a favor and find the right tax resolution firm. Hiring an enrolled agent, CPA or an attorney that is trained in tax relief is the best way to preserve your rights, and you do not want to go it alone.


#3 When You Have Assets You Need to Protect

When you owe taxes, the IRS only cares about one thing, and that is to get paid what they think you owe them.

They’ll levy your bank account, emptying everything you have in there. If you run a business, that means you won’t be able to pay your employees, pay your office rent or keep your lights on, ultimately putting you out of business.

They’ll also garnish your paycheck leaving you about 10% to 25% of your net pay to live on.  Good luck with that.

They can also put a lien on your assets, including real estate, personal property and financial assets. This puts in jeopardy everything you’ve worked so hard to attain.

Hiring the right tax relief professional can help you avoid such extreme measures taken by the IRS. They’ll communicate with the IRS on your behalf and can often remove a lien or levy. If you have assets you can’t afford to lose, then hiring a tax relief pro is the only way to go.


The Bottom Line

Even if you are confident in your Do It Yourself (DIY)  approach or feel your tax problem isn’t so serious, it never hurts to get a second opinion. If you are doing everything right, that tax resolution specialist’s advice will give you peace of mind. If there are deficiencies in your actions, the advice you get could stop you from making a devastating, and possibly irreversible, mistake. Plus, you may find out that you can settle your back tax liabilities for less than what you owe.  Oftentimes, for a fraction of what’s owed!

If you do run into tax trouble, reach out to our tax resolution firm and we’ll schedule a free, no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options in full to permanently resolve your tax problem.

Unpaid payroll taxes are a serious matter to the IRS and are some of the worst kind of back taxes you can owe. If you’re a small business owner with a payroll tax problem, read on to learn what you can do to avoid the IRS crippling your business or worse, shut your business down completely.


Already in payroll tax trouble? Contact us to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation and let’s get your payroll tax issue resolved.


Why Small Business Owners Get Into Payroll Tax Trouble In The First Place

It’s hard being a small business owner today, trying to pay your employees their paychecks every week, and pay the IRS all those payroll taxes!


A lot of times when money is short, you pay the employees first.  It’s a natural thing to do—you need to take care of your employees, even if you have to skip paying yourself!  Besides, if you don’t pay them, they’ll quit and you will have to hire new people all the time.


It can seem easy to “just pay the 941 taxes next pay period” and give yourself a little cash flow cushion, but skipping paying your employees payroll tax deposits is never a good idea.


What happens too often is 1 pay period turns into 2, and 3, and 4, and eventually you’re so deep in payroll tax debt that the only thing you want to do is completely ignore your problem.


Except the IRS doesn’t care about  your financial problems. They just want you to pay your payroll taxes!


The IRS doesn’t care if you can’t pay your employees.  They don’t care if they put your employees out on the street. They don’t care if you can’t collect your receivables.  They don’t care if one of your largest and best customers just went “belly-up”. All they care about is you have money that belongs to them and they will do whatever they have to, even put you out of business, to collect it. They don’t care who you are, or even what business you are in.


Penalties are The Kiss Of Death When It Comes To Back Payroll Taxes


Penalties for failing to file and pay your payroll taxes are the “kiss of death” for any small business owner. They tack on penalties totaling 33% in just the first 16 days! And it doesn’t stop there.  The IRS adds interest on top of the penalties too. It is not uncommon that a payroll tax liability doubles in short order. And if you don’t pay them or work something out, they will shut you down!  It’s much less work for the Revenue Officer, as most are lazy, to simply close you down than work out an arrangement with you.


They IRS Will Collect Or They Will Shut You Down


It’s as simple as that.  The IRS is the most brutal collection agency on the planet.  They have more authority than the President of the United States! And they have all the ways and means to do whatever it takes to collect what’s owed to them.  You didn’t wake up in the morning, go to work, and say to yourself, I’m not paying my payroll taxes because you didn’t want to. The money simply wasn’t there.  It’s not your fault.  One week you’re short of cash.  It was a slow week, a customer’s check bounced, or any number of legitimate reasons that just prevent you from paying the IRS.  You’re a good person.  You figure you will make it up the next week.  But then next week comes and goes, and you realize you still don’t have enough money to make that payroll tax deposit.  And then the entire situation starts “snow-balling” into an avalanche.


Should You Call The IRS To Get Your Payroll Issue Fixed?


If you were to call the IRS, and were able to get through after waiting on “hold” for an hour or two, and try to explain your situation—you might as well have a conversation with the wall—because they don’t care.  The IRS representative that you’re talking to probably makes less than $20 an hour, and is poorly trained.  Do you think they ever had to make a payroll in their life? Do you think they know what it’s like running a small business? Do you really think they will have any sympathy for you?


Not only is the answer “NO” but they can also dictate the fate of your case. What they will try to get, while you’re on the phone, is all your personal and financial information.  They want to know where you bank; they’ll want to know all about your customers who owe you money, they’ll want to know about the value of all your assets, like your home, cars, motorcycles, etc. Why? Because now they have all the information they need to levy your bank accounts, take your receivables and seize your property.


Now that you know you shouldn’t be talking to the IRS because they are not going to help you, you might be wondering what you should do?  Where should you turn for help?  They smartest thing you can do to protect your business and family is to have someone represent you—someone who deals with the IRS for a living. You need to get help—but not just from anyone—you need help from someone who is an experienced competent professional, and deals with the IRS every day, helping small business owners keep their businesses and  settle IRS payroll tax problems.


If you were charged with a serious misdemeanor or felony, would you go to court without a lawyer? You don’t want to represent yourself before the IRS either. You need professional, expert representation.


Reach out to our firm and we’ll schedule a no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options to permanently resolve your tax problem  Our expert tax resolution professionals know how to navigate the IRS maze.


Once you decide to retain us, we step into your shoes and protect you from the IRS’s abusive tactics. We take over all communications from the IRS on your behalf. You don’t have to speak with the IRS anymore. We do.  Not only that—they are not allowed to talk to you once you’ve signed our Power of Attorney!  Once they realize you have someone on your side protecting you, who knows their tricks as well as they do, they have to step back and follow the law.  Not only can we protect you from the IRS harassing you, calling you, and showing up at your front door, we can get those penalties reduced and in some cases completely removed!


Contact us now and lets get your payroll tax issue resolved!

The tax-code-defined vacation home rules come into play when you have both rental and personal use of a home. Thus, you can have tax-code-defined vacation homes in the city, in the suburbs, and in recreation areas. If you have no combined rental and personal use of the home, the rules are easy. The property is one of the following:

  • Principal residence
  • Second home
  • Rental property

But when you have both rental and personal use of the home, your tax life gets more complicated because you have entered the tax code’s vacation home section. In this situation, the property in a more complicated way is one of the following:

  • Principal residence
  • Second home
  • Rental property


If it’s a principal residence, then the $250,000/$500,000 home sale exclusion is available when you sell. If it’s simply a second home, you can’t use the exclusion and you pay taxes at capital gains rates—and you may suffer the NIIT as well. If it’s a rental, you face the capital gains rules, NIIT, unrecaptured Section 1250 gain taxes, and release of some (if grouped) or all (if not grouped) passive activity suspended losses. When you have rental use after 2008 and then convert the rental to your principal residence, you must use a rental/residence fraction to determine how you will be taxed.


As you can see, the rules in this area can get complicated. If you would like to discuss the rules, please don’t hesitate to call me on my direct line at (757) 410-8030.

If you owe back taxes to the IRS, some amount of panic is understandable. After all, the Internal Revenue Service has the power of the federal government in its corner, something no other debt collector can claim. They are considered the most brutal collection agency on the planet.


It is easy to freeze up and just do nothing when you owe back taxes to the IRS, but hiding from, or doing nothing about your tax debt will not make it go away. In fact, ignoring the taxes you owe will only make the situation worse, since interest and penalties can really add up. You also, risk having your paycheck garnished (the IRS does not need a court order to do this) or your bank account levied. The IRS can also file a Notice of Federal Tax Lien making it all but impossible to obtain financing for a car or home.


So instead of panicking about your tax debt and hoping the problem will go away, you need to take some proactive steps. Now is not the time to panic and hide – now is the time to start taking action.


Some of these steps you can do on your own if you’d like, while others will likely require the intervention of an experienced tax resolution expert. Here are some proactive steps you can take to get a handle on your tax debt. If you need help resolving your IRS tax problem, contact us here We help people with IRS problems every day.


Confirm the Amount Owed

When you owe back taxes, one of the first things you should do is make sure you really owe the money. The IRS has been known to make mistakes, a lot of mistakes, and the agency is far from foolproof. Contact the IRS or have us do an IRS transcript analysis to determine the amount the IRS claims you owe.


Seek Out Deductions You May Have Missed

At the very least, you may not owe as much as you think you do, and every dollar you can remove from the bill is one more dollar in your favor. Now is the time to scour your past and current tax returns, looking for deductions and tax credits you might have missed.


Unless you are a seasoned tax expert, you will probably need some professional assistance to make this happen. If you are already working with a CPA or tax expert, you can ask them to look at your past tax returns but only a tax resolution expert, who helps people like you for a living, can protect your income and assets as you go through the process.


If you missed a few deductions and tax credits along the way, your tax professional can file amended returns on your behalf, lowering the amount of tax debt you owe – and possibly eliminating it altogether.  However, you usually can’t go back more than 3 years to amend returns.


Look for Special Programs You May Qualify For

 The bad news is the IRS wants its money and has the power to collect it.


The good news is the tax agency also offers several programs tax filers can use to make the repayment process easier. In some cases, the IRS may even be willing to settle for less, possibly much less, than the total amount of back taxes you owe.


These programs are not available to everyone, and if you have the resources needed to pay your back taxes, the IRS is unlikely to give you much of a break. But if your resources are limited, the tax agency may decide that a small amount of tax repayment is better than none at all.


The first step in the process is finding the programs for which you might qualify, and that will probably require the help of an experienced tax resolution expert.  Most CPAs do not have this experience. Negotiating with the IRS is not an easy thing to do, and you may need help to drive the best bargain and reduce your back taxes. In the end, it may be well worth paying a tax relief expert to negotiate on your behalf, especially if you end up with a much lower tax bill.


It is easy to panic when you owe back taxes, but you should not let fear get in your way. The longer you ignore the problem, the worse it is likely to get, and the sooner you act, the better off you, and your finances, will be. There is a solution to every IRS problem.  Let us see what IRS tax debt settlement programs you qualify for today.

When you owe money to the IRS, it is hard to think about anything else. While being in debt is never fun, no matter who the creditor is, the IRS enjoys almost unlimited power to collect the money they are due.


Unlike your mortgage lender or credit card company, the Internal Revenue Service has the power to attach your wages, raid your bank account and even take your freedom. No other creditor even comes close in terms of its power and influence, and taking on the agency on your own could be asking for trouble.


If you have received a notice from the IRS, you need to act fast, and you need the right assistance in your corner. Taking on the IRS requires specific expertise, and that is why it is so important to work with a quality tax resolution company. Here are seven reasons why working with a tax resolution specialist could save your good name – and your bank account.


  1. You gain specific expertise. The IRS is a specialized agency, and you need expert advice and guidance to get the most positive resolution.


  1. It will give you peace of mind. Just being contacted by the IRS can make your heart beat a bit faster, but working with a tax resolution expert can set your mind at ease once you hire a tax resolution specialist. Generally, once you hire a tax resolution expert you won’t have to meet or speak with the IRS. They will handle all communications and correspondence with the IRS.


  1. The tax resolution process could save you a lot of money. Tax resolution professionals are experts at settlements, and working with one could save you a ton of money.


  1. Timely action could save your home and property. If you wait too long, you could put your home, business, bank accounts and personal property at risk. Time is of the essence when it comes to resolving tax issues, and timely assistance could make a world of difference.


  1. You will feel less alone. Few things feel as lonely as fighting the IRS on your own. When you work with a tax resolution expert, not only do you not have to go it alone but they actually step into your shoes to represent your best interests.


  1. You will have a chance to file missing returns. When faced with a big tax bill, it is easy to do nothing, but failing to file legally required tax returns could have serious consequences down the line. If you have years of unfiled returns, a tax resolution expert can help you catch up.


  1. You could save your credit score. Unresolved issues with the IRS will reflect badly on your credit report, lowering your credit score and making it harder to borrow money or qualify for a mortgage. Timely tax resolution could preserve your stellar credit score and help you avoid those serious consequences.


Owing money to the IRS can be pretty frightening. There is a reason those three letters strike so much fear into the hearts of ordinary citizens, even those who have done nothing wrong.


If you are in trouble with the IRS, you cannot afford to ignore the issue, so act fast and get the help you need today. Working with a tax resolution expert carries a host of benefits, starting with the nine outlined above.


Most likely, you wouldn’t go to court without a lawyer. Similarly, it’s best not to deal with the IRS without expert representation which can be provided by a tax resolution expert, who by training, is also a CPA, attorney or enrolled agent.


Reach out to our firm and we’ll schedule a no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options in full to permanently resolve your tax problem.

If you are a member of the gig economy, you are not alone. Millions of others have made the same choice, voting with their feet and their time, and leaving the world of traditional employment behind.


As a member of the gig economy, you have a lot to look forward to, but tax season is probably not one of them. April 15 is a stressful day for everyone, but gig workers face some additional challenges their traditionally employed counterparts do not. Faced with these issues, it’s important to tackle the problem head-on. Here is a three-step plan for making tax time a little more manageable.

Note:  It’s not uncommon for gig workers to find themselves behind on their taxes. If you find yourself in tax debt, owe back taxes, or are under audit, our firm can help negotiate with the IRS and potentially settle your tax debt.

As a tax resolution firm, we always recommend that you reach out to a professional who knows how to aggressively negotiate and defend you against the IRS on your behalf. Call us today. Our tax resolution specialists can navigate the IRS maze so that you have nothing to worry about.


That said, let’s jump into the 3 steps.

Step 1 — Start As Early As Possible


It’s always a good idea to start your tax planning early, but it’s even more critical when you are self-employed or a member of the gig economy. If you are used to getting your taxes done in an afternoon, you have a serious wake-up call in front of you. If you do not start early, you might not finish on time.


Keep in mind that you may not be able to file early, as it likely will take some time to wrap your head around the complicated tax laws, find the right tax professional, research deductions and ensure that all your income numbers are correct. That does not mean, however, that you cannot start early. Taking initiative early is sure to make your life less stressful when the April 15 tax filing deadline rolls around.


Step 2 – Make Sure You Are Accounting for All Your Income


It’s easy to overlook some of your income when you are self-employed, especially if you are juggling multiple clients and doing possibly hundreds of different gigs. If you let something slip through the cracks, however, the IRS is likely to call you on it — and hand you a big tax bill for their trouble.


As you get ready to file your taxes, take the time to add up all your income across many different sources, including gig work, freelancing, consulting work, and anything else that brought in money in the year just past. You might even want to cross-reference that income against other sources such as bank deposits and payments by payment processors like PayPal, Stripe, and others. This final step could help you uncover income you might otherwise have missed.


Step 3 – Review Your Possible Deductions


The bad news is that being a member of the gig economy can cause some tax headaches but there is good news as well. As a gig worker or self-employed individual, you have access to some lucrative tax deductions, and now is the time to review and claim them.


Depending on your situation, you may be able to write off things like the amount you pay for internet access, phone service, and office supplies, and those deductions could lower the amount of income subject to the self-employment tax, an important consideration for gig workers and their families.


If you maintain a dedicated space for conducting business in your home, you may be able to take the home office deduction, but it is important to know and follow all the rules. Doing this wrong can trigger a nasty letter from the IRS. These rules can be complicated, and that brings up one final piece of advice.


When you work for a traditional employer, your tax filing needs are pretty simple. Your employer sends you a W2 at the beginning of each year, and you simply report the amount you made and how much you paid in taxes. From there, it’s simply a matter of math, and in no time your taxes are done.


Your life and your tax situation are far more complicated when gig work and self-employment income are involved. Even if you have been comfortable doing your taxes up to now, your first year of gig work might also be the first time you reach out for help.


The gig economy is going strong, and this fast-growing segment of the economy is showing no signs of slowing down. If you have been working in this economy, you have enjoyed the freedom and flexibility inherent in the business model, but now it’s time to pay the piper — and the IRS. The three-step plan laid out above can make tax time at least a little easier, so you can get on with the rest of your life.


Owe Back Taxes?


If you find yourself a large surprise tax bill or a collection notice from the IRS, the steps you take next are absolutely critical. Trying to take on the IRS on your own is a dangerous, and potentially expensive, thing to do, and you should always contact a tax resolution firm.


By working with an expert, you can gain access to vital information about small business settlement programs the IRS offers. You can gain access to the expertise you will need to settle your tax bill for less than you owe and get back in the good graces of the IRS. Time is of the essence when the IRS comes calling, and with the interest and penalty clock ticking you do not have one second to waste. So call us, your tax resolution expert, for a case evaluation.

If you are running a small business, you have one unwanted partner that will dig into your pocket every year, it’s the IRS. The IRS wants to know what you are doing, how much you are earning and most importantly how much you are paying in taxes, and the tax agency is becoming increasingly aggressive in this regard. While the audit rate for individual returns has been hovering at far less than 1%, the audit rate for small businesses can be as much as 10 times higher.


It does not matter if you operate as a sole proprietor and use Schedule C to claim your income or if you are set up as a C-corp, S-corp or LLC – the IRS is watching what you do, and if they think you are not paying your fair share they will certainly come calling. When that demand letter from the IRS arrives, knowing what to do next can make all the difference, and the more you educate yourself the easier it will be to deal with, and eliminate, the tax debt.


Note: As a tax resolution firm, we always recommend that you reach out to a professional who knows how to aggressively negotiate and defend you against the IRS on your behalf. If you owe back taxes or are under audit, our firm can help negotiate with the IRS and potentially settle your tax debt. Call us today. Our tax resolution specialists can navigate the IRS maze so that you have nothing to worry about. Set a meeting here.


Small business owners are increasingly the target of enforcement efforts by the IRS, but the IRS does have some programs in place to make paying what those business owners owe easier. In some cases those small business tax relief and tax resolution programs let you settle for less than what you owe but qualifying is not as straightforward as you might think.


For businesses that may be eligible, the assistance of a tax resolution specialist is absolutely critical. These experts can help guide you through the process and make sure you qualify, so you can rest a little easier and get back to building your business.


Payment Plans/Installment Agreements

If the amount your small business owes to the IRS is relatively small and you do not want to deal with additional hassles, it may make sense to pay the entire bill in full. If paying in full would be a hardship, the IRS does offer payment plans, and setting one up can make paying back what you owe easier and more financially palatable.


Keep in mind that interest will continue to accrue while the debt remains outstanding, and that is something to think about.


Offer In Compromise

If you’re under a lot of financial hardship, it may make more sense to try for

an offer in compromise (OIC), a special IRS program that could allow you to pay back less than you owe.


The offer in compromise program is a popular one with individual taxpayers and small business owners. If paying the entire amount would create a financial hardship for you, your family or your business, a tax resolution specialist can help you make the case to the IRS that you deserve a break.


What’s the best option?

Each of these options has its pros and cons, and it is important to understand how these programs work and who qualifies to use them. If your small business is in trouble with the IRS, taking the right action right away could reduce the amount you owe, give you some breathing room and allow you to focus on your clients – not on your taxes.


Running a small business has its challenges, but those difficulties are nothing compared to the stress and anxiety small business owners feel when dealing with the IRS. With so many small business owners now in IRS crosshairs, it has never been more important for freelancers, gig workers and the self-employed to have an advocate in their corner.


If you find yourself on the wrong end of an audit, a tax bill or an enforcement action from the IRS, the steps you take next are absolutely critical. Trying to take on the IRS on your own is a dangerous, and potentially expensive, thing to do, and you should always contact a tax resolution firm.


By working with an expert, you can gain access to vital information about small business settlement programs the IRS offers. You can gain access to the expertise you will need to settle your tax bill for less than you owe and get back in the good graces of the IRS. Time is of the essence when the IRS comes calling, and with the interest and penalty clock ticking you do not have one second to waste. So call us, your tax resolution expert, for a case evaluation. Set a meeting here.

Opening the mailbox and finding a letter from the IRS is frightening, but what happens next can be even scarier. The tax agency wields incredible power, and if they claim you owe additional taxes they have many different options for forcing you to pay.


When the IRS claims you owe additional money, they will act quickly, and that could leave you reeling, and trying hard to preserve the money you need to pay your bills, feed your family and keep a roof over your head. If you are employed, the IRS can reach into your paycheck, forcing the company you work for to withhold part of what you are owed until the tax debt has been satisfied.


The IRS can also hold onto any refunds and government payments you would otherwise be due. If you have been waiting for that big fat refund check to arrive, you could be waiting a long time if you owe money to the IRS.


As if all this were not frightening enough, the tax agency also has the power to levy your bank accounts, including the accounts you need to run your business and your life. Those bank account freezes could leave you without the cash you need, putting you in a real bind and forcing you to pay back what you owe.


Your home could even be at risk if you owe money to the IRS. The tax agency could, for instance, apply for a lien against not only your primary residence but any other real estate you own. The threat of this kind of action has compelled many taxpayers to cough up the money the agency says they owe, even if they think the IRS is wrong.


As you can see, the IRS has wide latitude and plenty of power, and the tax agency is often unwilling to settle for less than the government says you owe. If you disagree with the amount the IRS is asking for, or if you simply do not have the money to pay the bill, you need to act fast. Ignoring the problem will only make it worse, and you cannot simply pretend that you never pulled that fateful envelope out of your home mailbox.


If you are on the wrong end of a compliance action by the IRS, you cannot afford to leave anything to chance, and you certainly should not try to fight back on your own. The tax code is complex, and far more pages than the Bible, and like that holy book, many of the terms are arcane and difficult to understand.


When fighting the IRS, you need the help of a professional, and that is where a tax resolution export comes into play. By working with a professional you can fight back on an even playing ground, and the money you save could be worth far more than the fee you pay.


Our firm specializes in tax resolution and helping people who owe the IRS or state $10,000 or more. We’ve seen taxpayers get blindsided every year by a huge tax bill and often falling behind on their taxes for years on end. If that’s you, we can help. Contact our firm today to discuss your tax debt settlement options  []


When the individual production activity of a partner is outside his or her capacity as a member of the partnership, the partnership has two choices:

  1. Allocate the production income to the partner, and have the partner treat the expenses as unreimbursed partner expenses (UPE).
  2. Treat the partner as a 1099 independent contractor for the individual production.

Unreimbursed Partner Expenses

As a partner in a partnership, you generally can’t deduct any of the partnership expenses on your individual tax return—the partnership should pay for and deduct its own business expenses.

But if your partnership agreement or business policy forces you as an individual partner to pay for expenses out of pocket, with no reimbursement available, then you can deduct the business expenses in full on your individual tax return as UPE.

Because the UPE is a trade or business expense, it also reduces your self-employment tax.

Treatment as a 1099 Independent Contractor

The tax code is clear on how this works. IRC Section 707(a)(1) states:

If a partner engages in a transaction with a partnership other than in his capacity as a member of such partnership, the transaction shall, except as otherwise provided in this section, be considered as occurring between the partnership and one who is not a partner.

Thus, under this treatment, you would treat that activity as independent contractor activity and report the income to the partner on IRS Form 1099-NEC, Nonemployee Compensation.

The partnership agreement should clearly define how it will treat a partner’s individual production. If you have questions on how to treat one of your partners, please don’t hesitate to call me on my direct line at (757) 410-8030.